Monday, November 1, 2010

Decisions Decisions

Every day after I put Carlee down for her nap I have to make a decision. I have about two hours, give or take, to myself (if Danilyn is sleeping too that is)during which time I have to contemplate what is most important to get done: doing dishes, cleaning up the apartment yet again, reading my scriptures, reading my book, e-mailing, blogging, working on Primary stuff for my calling, showering and getting dressed, or sleeping...sleeping has been the winner every time for the past several weeks, hence I have not blogged or done much else in my free moments but try to make up for lost sleep at night. Other than that I am feeling pretty darn good. I am starving all the time (after going nine months hating almost all food it is a weird feeling to want to eat). Dani is doing great. She is eating, pooping, sleeping, and grunting a lot. We have been out and about this weekend with the girls trying to enjoy the weather and the festivities. Here are some pictures.

This is Carlee's new down coat from Campmor. It is the exact same coat as her daddy's only miniature! The back drop here is a race that was in Hoboken.

Carlee was suppose to be a girly cute monster for Halloween but we got looks like "what is she?" and comments like "oh, cute...bug." You be the judge. It is a Children's Place costume that I got at a garage sale in Oregon for 4 bucks!

Her favorite part of the ward Halloween party, besides eating too much candy, was helping the bishop vacuum afterwords and screaming with delight as the fan blew in her face. She danced, said her version of "trick or treat" at each classroom door and got really sweaty in her costume made for cool outdoor weather. Between her enthusiasm and getting to show off Dani to all our friends, we had a pretty memorable Halloween (and didn't manage to get any pics of Dani in her cute Halloween witch outfit)!


Stacy said...

sounds all too familiar! Naps always win until they start sleeping longer during the night. One trick I found to help me actually get both a shower and a nap...right after you finish feeding the girls their breakfast, set Carlee up with a show to watch, and then bring Dani into the bathroom in a bouncer. Then come that beloved nap time, you at least have had your shower and you can still take a nap with them!

NatureGirl said...

Take it from your dear old auntie...choose sleep...

Doug & Deb said...

Sleep is the smart choice - it makes you a nicer mama even though you might not be clean and pretty! You are doing a great job at being mama of two. Love you.