My sister Angie sent me a big box full of "in between cloths" (not quite maternity but not your regular size anymore cloths) and neutral colored baby cloths. It is the first baby stuff we have so it was so much fun to look at all the cloths and remember Harper wearing some of them too! Thank you Angie!!!
well, I really don't like these pictures of me but none the less this is how I look at 5 months (21 weeks) pregnant. (It is not so much my belly but my hair that I dislike). My bump is pretty small still; I have gained 5 lbs in 5 months. I feel the baby move all of the time now and it is very cool. Matt can feel it sometimes too when he places his hand on my belly at the right time. Some days I don't feel the baby move and I get really worried until I feel it move again. One disadvantage to not knowing the sex it that I find myself referring to our little growing baby as "it"...poor kid.
This is a side view of my belly and also the beautiful rocking chair Matt got me for Christmas from Craigslist. He couldn't wait for me to open it until the 23rd before we leave for Utah so I opened it last week. Thank you Matt! He trekked it home on his back from Brooklyn to Jersey City (well, part of the time he was on the subway but still...)He really went out of his way to get it for me and I am grateful!
Our Christmas decorations. We didn't do a tree because we are going to be in Utah with my family from the 23rd to the 3rd and we don't want to store a tree in our small apartment for a year. I love Christmas so much. Everything points to Christ. For me the lights represent the new star at his birth and that Jesus is the light and life of the world; the evergreen and the color green represent life and even life eternal that Jesus made possible; the red represents His Atonement and sacrifice for us all; and of course the candy cane represents the Shepard's staff; even Santa Clause represents Christ because we are to become as little children and be believing as children believe in this figure whom they have not ever seen and who brings them gifts as the Savior provided the greatest gift of all. We give gifts to celebrate His birth because that is what Jesus Christ did, what His life was and what He wants us to do: give and serve others. "We make a living by what we get, but we build a life by what we give." I hope you all have a Merry Christmas this year and that we can all remember to make room for Jesus in our own personal "Inn" and no turn Him away because our lives are already too full.
Oh, and Matt says Ba'Humbug. Just kidding, Merry Christmas :)