Friday, November 27, 2009

I've got Craig's list skills!

Lately I have made some incredible purchases off Craig's list. I just thought I would share them with you...

These two book cases were $21 together.

The microwave was $15.

And the Crown jewel...

A powerShot A410. It was new with the box. The lady said the button stuck and she couldn't get it to take pictures. I replaces the double A batteries and haven't had a problem since. I thought about writhing an email to the lady thanking her for the new camera but decided against it because it would be kind of a slap to the face.

I payed $5 for it.


Monson Family said...

Awesome deals!!! Good job!

Lulu said...

I love craigslist! I find the things i need for dirt cheep.
The camera is awesome too!

Angela and Kevin Reese said...

hummm.....kind of reminds me of mom.