Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Pizza Anyone?

Matt's sister Angela and her husband Kevin and their four kiddos came our way from Dallas. We ate pizza at Big Lou's, a 42 inch pizza, I'm serious.  Cost: $100



We waited a long time for that pizza! It was tasty.
We have never celebrated St. Patrick's Day until this weekend.
A Leper con left green and gold candy in every one's shoe!

They came to our neck of the woods and told us where all the Texas size food is at.
 Cinnamon roll anyone?  We have plenty left over!
This is what a three pound cinnamon roll looks like...
This is how you eat it... 

                   This is how it makes you feel...
After all that huge food, we still have to keep eating, funny thing about our bodies. 
Thanks for the great weekend guys!


cyrie said...

sweet stache, gomez.

Doug & Deb said...
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Doug & Deb said...

Wow! That was a lot of dough eating ;-) Tell Angela and kids 'hi' for me. Love you all.

Angela and Kevin Reese said...

What fun! it was great to see you guys